Back to WordPress

To be honest, I had forgotten about WordPress. I saw an ad the other day for Duda, started pottering around with the free trial, but didn’t want to spend $15/month on a website when I don’t make that much selling books.

I put a post on TikTok asking for advice and a couple of fellow authors suggested checking out WordPress. As it turns out, my old website was still here and very, very out of date. So I’ve given it an overhaul, updated pages, deleted others, and created a couple of new ones. Still more images to add, but I’ll add those soon.

I don’t anticipate blogging again. Between all the other things I have going on in my life, I just don’t see myself having the time. I’ll probably just populate this landing page with information when there’s big news, such as podcast appearances (I have 1 coming up in May 2022), author talks (I have one coming up April 23rd, 2022), or new releases (I currently have three works in progress – a short story for the Debut anthology (If you’re interested in joining as a writer or artist, contact Chen at, another short story I dusted off and have been working on for fun, and my 5th novel, A Prophet’s Request. Busy busy!